GCF_002026015.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_808G21 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002776555.1 |
Legionella endosymbiont of Polyplax serrata PsAG |
No System Detected |
GCF_001989415.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. RS50 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002025965.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_808A10 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002035705.1 |
Salmonella enterica subsp. diarizonae serovar 60:r:z BCW_1540 |
No System Detected |
GCF_020541265.1 |
Candidatus Profftia lariciata Ad13-081 Ad13-081 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001886495.1 |
Spiroplasma sp. NBRC 100390 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900699015.1 |
Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae ErCipiceae 3303 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900161835.1 |
Sodalis endosymbiont of Henestaris halophilus HBA HBA |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026045.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_805A16 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026185.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT212_60m_824E10 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002035585.1 |
Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae serovar 48:z4,z23,z32:- BCW_1532 |
No System Detected |
GCF_017656055.1 |
Candidatus Nardonella dryophthoridicola NardRF |
No System Detected |
GCF_900186585.1 |
Massiliimalia timonensis Marseille-P3753 |
No System Detected |
GCF_019039155.1 |
Bacillus sp. FJAT-26377 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001875785.1 |
Bacillus sp. FMQ74 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900698875.1 |
Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae ErCicuneomaculata 2628 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900698995.1 |
Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae ErCisplendens 3004 |
No System Detected |
GCF_019037925.1 |
Bacillus haynesii 179-D 1D1 HS |
No System Detected |
GCF_001955625.1 |
Viridibacillus sp. FSL H7-0596 |
No System Detected |
GCF_009662295.1 |
Lactococcus petauri CF11 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002156565.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT_208_60 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026145.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_813L03 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026105.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT212_60m_824C06 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002237975.1 |
Bacillus sp. LYLB4 |
No System Detected |
GCF_003076595.1 |
Candidatus Borrelia tachyglossi Bc-F10-1268 |
No System Detected |
GCF_009905495.1 |
Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae serovar 43:z4,z32:- TAMU36GH |
No System Detected |
GCF_014279775.1 |
Synechococcus sp. PROS-9-1 |
No System Detected |
GCF_004296475.1 |
endosymbiont of Sipalinus gigas NARSGI1 NARSGI1 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002850495.1 |
Coxiella-like endosymbiont of Amblyomma americanum CLE-AaGA CLE-AaGA |
No System Detected |
GCF_002096375.1 |
Streptococcus oralis subsp. oralis RH_8610_08 |
No System Detected |
GCF_013592015.1 |
Streptococcus oralis subsp. oralis SN64428 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002993975.1 |
Apilactobacillus micheneri Hlig3 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001316805.2 |
Enterobacter sp. ST121:950178628 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900560745.1 |
Buchnera aphidicola (Cinara strobi) BuCistrobi 3249 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900698855.1 |
Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae ErCicurtihirsuta 3053 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900698935.1 |
Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae ErCikochiana 2762 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900698985.1 |
Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae ErCipseudotsugae 2889 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001969555.1 |
Bacillus swezeyi NRRL B-41282 |
No System Detected |
GCF_014042035.1 |
Bacillus haynesii P19 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002127815.1 |
Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae serovar 40gt:- SR64 |
No System Detected |
GCF_007559285.1 |
Marinobacter vulgaris F01 |
No System Detected |
GCF_004362125.1 |
Bacillus sp. AtDRG31 |
No System Detected |
GCF_003433825.1 |
Lactococcus petauri AM13-9 |
No System Detected |
GCF_011365285.1 |
Lactococcus petauri DB43829 |
No System Detected |
GCF_018348575.1 |
Lactococcus petauri INF110 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002025905.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_810P02 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002025865.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_813I02 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002025945.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_813O14 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026245.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT212_60m_823D04 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026085.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT212_60m_824O11 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026065.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT212_60m_826P21 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002155045.1 |
Bacillus intestinalis AS2 |
No System Detected |
GCF_005771655.1 |
Bacillus intestinalis Ubi033 |
No System Detected |
GCF_009905415.1 |
Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae serovar 43:z4,z32:- TAMU76AB |
No System Detected |
GCF_009905425.1 |
Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae serovar 43:z4,z32:- TAMU38CD |
No System Detected |
GCF_900239945.1 |
Chlamydia sp. H15-1957-10C H15-1957-10C |
No System Detected |
GCF_900239975.1 |
Chlamydia sp. S15-834C S15-834K S15-834K |
No System Detected |
GCF_004296515.1 |
endosymbiont of Pachyrhynchus infernalis NARPIN1 NARPIN1 |
No System Detected |
GCF_004296495.1 |
endosymbiont of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus NARRFE1 NARRFE1 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002156875.1 |
Bacillus sp. EAC |
No System Detected |
GCF_002239585.1 |
Psychromonas sp. CD1 |
No System Detected |
GCF_004359795.1 |
Macrococcus goetzii DPC7166 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002096195.1 |
Streptococcus oralis subsp. oralis B_007274_11 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002096525.1 |
Streptococcus oralis subsp. oralis RH_34706_11 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002096605.1 |
Streptococcus oralis subsp. oralis B_19836_11 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002138915.1 |
Campylobacter sp. P031 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001792795.1 |
Spiroplasma sp. TU-14 |
No System Detected |
GCF_006493525.1 |
Apilactobacillus micheneri HV_59 |
No System Detected |
GCF_019357695.1 |
Macrococcus bohemicus 19Msa0383 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001708305.1 |
Streptococcus himalayensis HTS2 |
No System Detected |
GCF_014643475.1 |
Streptococcus himalayensis CGMCC 1.15533 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900143145.1 |
Candidatus Sodalis sp. SoCistrobi 3249 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900143135.1 |
Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae ErCipseudotaxifoliae 3056 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900698885.1 |
Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae ErCisplendens/pseudotsugae 3390 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900698925.1 |
Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae ErCicurvipes 3402 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900698955.1 |
Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae ErCilaricifoliae 3058 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900698965.1 |
Candidatus Erwinia haradaeae ErCipseudotaxifoliae 3056 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001989435.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. RS01 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001989455.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. RS04 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001969815.1 |
Bacillus swezeyi NRRL B-41294 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001969855.1 |
Bacillus haynesii NRRL B-41327 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001953515.1 |
Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae serovar 40gt:- GSB1245 |
No System Detected |
GCF_001953525.1 |
Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae serovar 40gt:- SR15 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900166625.1 |
Halobacillus massiliensis Marseille-P3554 |
No System Detected |
GCF_003344045.1 |
Marinobacter vulgaris F01 |
No System Detected |
GCF_900230285.1 |
Blastococcus sp. DSM 44270 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002797575.1 |
Polynucleobacter sp. UB-Domo-W1 |
No System Detected |
GCF_003217445.1 |
Staphylococcus sp. AtHG25 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002154895.1 |
Lactococcus petauri 159469 |
No System Detected |
GCF_011365195.1 |
Lactococcus petauri DB44798 |
No System Detected |
GCF_011365265.1 |
Lactococcus petauri DB22928 |
No System Detected |
GCF_013302995.1 |
Lactococcus petauri LZys1 |
No System Detected |
GCF_015669815.1 |
Lactococcus petauri 1001713B170214_170313_F10 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026005.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_808M21 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026205.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_810B23 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026175.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_813E23 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026165.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_813G15 |
No System Detected |
GCF_002026095.1 |
Prochlorococcus sp. HOT208_60m_813O04 |
No System Detected |
GCF_006493105.1 |
Apilactobacillus timberlakei HV_25 |
No System Detected |